Party Building
Promoting the party's construction in the new era under the guidance of political construction
Publisher:Far east optoelectronics Co., Ltd.Time:2021-4-25 9:20:07Click:3488
To adhere to and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics and to open up a new journey of socialist modernization in an all-round way, we must continue to promote the new great project of the party's construction《 The theme of the third volume and second topic of Xi Jinping's talk about governing the country is "upholding and strengthening the overall leadership of the party". The speech of general secretary Xi Jinping, which has been included, highlighted the party's political construction as the fundamental building of the party and put forward the consciousness and firmness of enhancing the party's political construction. It is of great significance to deepen the understanding of the party's political construction, so as to enhance the ideological, political and action consciousness of promoting the party's political construction.
1、 Put the party's political construction first
Since the eighteen party logical administration and harmonious people's Congress, Xi Jinping has made a series of important discussions around the party's Political Construction: "serious inner party political life is the basis for a comprehensive and strict administration of the party". "A prominent feature of the superiority of our socialist political system is that the party takes the overall situation and coordinates the leadership role of all sides". We must look far ahead from a high plane to improve political capability. "These discussions reflect the general secretary Xi Jinping's vision and deep thinking on Party's political construction in adhering to the party's political leadership, consolidating the political foundation, conserving political ecology and improving political capabilities.
General secretary Xi Jinping, during the sixth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made a deep exposition on strengthening the party's political construction. He pointed out that the nineteen major party clearly put forward the important proposition of the party's political construction, stressed that the party's political construction is the fundamental construction of the party, put the party's political construction in the first place, and guided by the party's political construction. It provides important guarantee for the party to continue to move from victory to victory. This highlights the party's political construction in the party's various construction of the leadership and the primary position. The opinions of the CPC Central Committee on strengthening the party's political construction (hereinafter referred to as the opinions) were deliberated and adopted at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held on January 25, 2019, and issued by the CPC Central Committee in february2019. The above important discussions and major initiatives show that the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core attaches great importance to strengthening the party's political construction from a strategic point of view, and emphasizes that the fundamental and key points of the construction of Marx's ruling party should be grasped under the leadership of the party's political construction. This is a pioneering and epochal contribution to the theory of Marx's party building. It has realized a new leap in the theory of Marxist Party construction, which marks the new height of the party's understanding of its own construction law.
2、 The political construction of the party is the fundamental construction of the party
To strengthen the party's political construction is to play the role of political compass, guide the whole party to firmly believe in ideals and beliefs, firmly "four confidence", and bring the wisdom and strength of the whole party into the great cause of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era; It is to promote the whole party to carry out the correct political direction into the practice of planning major strategies, formulating major policies, deploying major tasks and promoting major work, resolutely correcting the behaviors that deviate from and violate the party's political direction, and ensure that the party and all undertakings are developing in the correct political direction all the time; It is to build Party organizations at all levels into a strong battle fortress that adheres to the correct political direction, and educate the majority of Party members and cadres to keep going along the correct political direction.
Political construction is the fundamental requirement of the construction of Marxist political parties. Marx and Engels believe that proletarian parties must attach importance to the political construction of the party. Political attribute is the fundamental attribute of the party, and the party's political construction is the soul and the leader of the party construction. To speak politics is the fundamental guarantee for our party to replenish calcium and strengthen our body and body. It is also the fundamental way for our party to cultivate its revolutionary courage, enhance its self purification ability and improve its political immunity to detoxification and sterilization. Marxist political parties have lofty political ideals, noble political pursuit, pure political quality and strict political discipline. Therefore, we must regard the political construction of the party as the fundamental construction of the party.
The political construction of the party determines the direction and effect of the party construction. The general requirements of the Party Construction in the new era put forward that the party's political construction as the leading, the party's political construction as the fundamental construction, has played a leading role in other party construction. Without grasping the party's political construction or departing from the direction of the party's political construction guidelines, it is difficult for other party construction to achieve expected results. The party should strengthen political belief, strictly political standards, lay down political foundation, strictly discipline, conserve political ecology and keep political nature as its focus respectively. In this way, we can ensure that our party has always been at the forefront of the times, has always become the backbone of the people of the country and has always become the core of strong leadership.
It is a fine tradition and basic experience of the Communist Party of China to attach importance to the party's political construction. The CPC has always focused on building the party politically. Comrade Mao Zedong explored the ideological and political construction of the party as early as the new democratic revolution. After the founding of new China, he proposed that "we should lead by politics, and we cannot talk about leadership without politics". After the reform and opening up, Comrade Deng Xiaoping stressed that "we must speak of politics at all times", Comrade Jiang Zemin put forward six key links in the political construction of the party. Comrade Hu pointed out that "the politics we speak of is the politics of Marxism and the politics of building socialism with Chinese characteristics". Since the eighteen Party's Congress, the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core has created a new situation of strict administration of the party through a series of measures, including serious political activities within the party, strict political discipline and political rules, rectification of style and anti-corruption struggle. These discussions fully show the clear understanding of the importance of political construction of the Communist Party of China, which is an important experience of the party's continuous development and development and the continuous victory of the revolutionary cause.
The political construction of the party as the fundamental construction is also the realistic need of the leadership to build socialist modernization in an all-round way. The CPC is the ruling party, and the leadership of the party is the fundamental guarantee for the party and all kinds of work. The world is in a great change in the past century. China's development is still in the period of strategic opportunity, with pressure and challenges coexisting. In order to build socialist modernization in an all-round way, we must adhere to the leadership of the party, we must pay attention to the political construction, put the quasi political direction, stabilize the political position, firmly control the political situation and play a good role in value navigation.
3、 Strengthen the consciousness and initiative of promoting the political construction of the party
In the new era, to strengthen the party's political construction, we should keep the political leadership of the party in the right direction, lay a solid foundation, keep the political ecology, prevent political risks, keep the political nature and improve its political ability, and provide important guarantee for the continuous development and growth of our party and the transition from victory to victory.
We should stick to the political direction and firmly believe in politics. It should be clear that the political direction we must adhere to is the great ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the goal of two hundred years of struggle, which is the basic theory, basic line and basic strategy of the party. Political firmness stems from theoretical soberness. The report of the 19th National Congress of the CPC emphasizes that "ideological construction is the foundation of the party", and solves political problems based on the firm ideals and beliefs. We should thoroughly study and understand the rich connotation, spiritual essence and practical requirements of Xi Jinping's new China's socialist ideology. We should thoroughly grasp the Marx's stand and method of view, firmly strengthen the ideals and beliefs, and strengthen the "four self-confidence", and consolidate the educational achievements of the theme of "never forget the original mind and remember the mission" through the system construction. We will work hard to promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics to achieve stability and further development.
We should adhere to the political leadership of the party and firmly implement the "two maintenance". The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the essence of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the party is the political leadership. General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "we must recognize clearly that China's national conditions are the leadership of the Communist Party of China. What is Chinese characteristics? This is the Chinese characteristics. " Adhering to the party's leadership is the political principle of contemporary China. While adhering to the leadership of the party, we must resolutely safeguard the core of the general secretary Xi Jinping's Party Central Committee and the core position of the whole party, and firmly uphold the authority and centralized leadership of the Party Central Committee. This is the primary task of the party's political construction, and is an important political discipline and political discipline. We must enhance the "Four Consciousnesses" and consciously maintain a highly consistent ideological and political action with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core.
We should lay solid political foundation and keep the political essence forever. In the process of Chinese revolution, construction and reform, the party has been winning victory continuously relying on the people. For 100 years, the historical orientation and the central task our party has been facing have been changing constantly. However, the views and lines of the masses have not changed. We have always emphasized the historical subject status of the people and the people as the fundamental force to create history. We always take the realization, maintenance and development of the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point and the final point of the party's all work. To strengthen the political construction of the party, we should take winning the people's hearts and public opinions, gathering the people's wisdom and people's strength as the important focus, and consolidating the foundation of the party's governance.
We should keep the political ecology and take the political life of the party seriously. It is a long-term task to build a good political ecology, which must be the basic and regular work of the party's political construction. The selection and employment of personnel should highlight the political standards, Party members and cadres should respect the party constitution, strictly implement the "guidelines on the political life within the party under the new situation", and often accept political physical examination in the party political life, and strengthen political immunity. We should strengthen the construction of political culture within the party, carry forward the socialist core values, carry forward and practice values such as loyalty, honesty, justice and decency, seeking truth from facts, honesty and integrity, adhere to the ideals, beliefs, values and fine traditions advocated by the party, and cultivate healthy and upward political culture in the party, and keep a political ecology with a clear atmosphere.