Party Building
General program: the general requirement of the party's construction in the new era
Publisher:Far east optoelectronics Co., Ltd.Time:2021-4-25 9:19:25Click:534

The general requirements of the Party Construction in the new era are: to adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership, to insist on the party's management of the party and to govern the party strictly in an all-round way, to strengthen the party's long-term governance capacity and purity construction as the main line, to take the Party's political construction as the leading force, to firmly believe in the purpose of the foundation, to mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the whole party as the focus, to comprehensively promote the party's political construction Ideological construction, organization construction, style construction and discipline construction should be carried out through the system construction, the fight against corruption should be deeply promoted, the quality of Party construction should be improved constantly, and the party construction should be the Marxist ruling party which has always been in the forefront of the times, supported by the people sincerely, brave in self revolution, and can withstand all kinds of wind and waves and vigorous vigor.