Party Building
The important foundation of the party's Construction
Publisher:Far east optoelectronics Co., Ltd.Time:2021-4-25 9:17:09Click:412
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The cohesion and application of Marxist party power lies in scientific organization. Marxism holds that when the proletariat is in a mess, it has no strength. Only when it is organized can it have strength and win in the struggle for its own interests. It is the advantage and strength of Marxist political parties to organize the scattered individuals with revolutionary ideals and iron discipline, form a tight organizational system, and double their strength.
In the important speech of "implementing the organizational line of the new era and constantly building the party stronger and stronger", general secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded: "organizational construction is an important foundation for Party building"; When we adhere to the correct organizational line, the party's organization will flourish and the party's cause will advance smoothly; Whenever the organizational line deviates, the party's organization will be destroyed and the party's cause will be frustrated. ".
In the early days of the revolutionary war, our party scientifically realized the importance of the party's organizational construction, and went down in history with the establishment of the system of "branch building in company". Nowadays, the construction of the party organization in the new era has made the "branch building on the Internet", "branch building on the industrial chain", and so on.
From the Party group on the long march to the party commando in all walks of life and the temporary Party branch on the front line of disaster relief and anti epidemic; From a small party with more than 50 members to a large party with more than 90 million Party members and more than 4.6 million grassroots party organizations
Over the past hundred years, our party, in accordance with the Marxist principle of Party building, has taken democratic centralism as its fundamental organizational system and leadership system, concentrated the Chinese working class and the Chinese people, established a scientific and rigorous organizational system composed of the party's central, local and grass-roots organizations, and formed a strong organizational mobilization and executive power.
The reason why the party can unite and lead the people to achieve the goal of "creating the world" from the founding of the party, to "changing the world" after the founding of new China, and then to "earth shaking" after the reform and opening up, especially the "China miracle" that has attracted worldwide attention in the new era, is the important guarantee of strict organization and strong organization.
Since the eighteen Party's Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core has been firmly and strictly administering the party in the light of the outstanding problems in the party's organizational construction, and has taken a series of major initiatives in strengthening the party's overall leadership, improving the party's organizational system, improving the criteria for selecting and employing personnel and working mechanism, and improving the party's political life and organizational life system. At the same time, we should coordinate the party's organizational construction with the strengthening of the party's theoretical arm, the strengthening of the party's work style, the strengthening of the party's discipline, and the in-depth anti-corruption struggle, so as to promote the party to be stronger in the revolutionary forging.
In the great practice of leading a comprehensive and strict administration of the party, general secretary Xi Jinping put forward a series of important thoughts and important arguments, emphasizing the "strict administration of the party in a comprehensive and strict way, and the core is strengthening the leadership of the party". It emphasizes that "the party's overall leadership and all the party's work depend on the party's strong organizational system"; It emphasizes the implementation of the principle of the party in charge of cadres, and focuses on training and selecting good cadres with firm belief, serving the people, being diligent and pragmatic, daring to take responsibility, and being honest and clean; It emphasizes "opening up the road to talents", "gathering talents from all over the world to make use of them", and striving to build a team of talents who are committed to patriotism, dedication and innovation, etc. These important expositions enrich and develop the theory of the party's organizational construction and lay a solid foundation for determining the party's organizational line in the new era.
On the basis of profoundly summarizing historical experience, especially the successful experience of strict administration of the party since the eighteen big party's Congress, general secretary Xi Jinping creatively put forward the organizational line of the party in the new era at the 2018 national organization work conference. In China, have both ability and political integrity, and the spirit of leadership and moral integrity. In the new era, the party's organizational line is to fully implement Xi Jinping's new socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics, focus on the organizational system construction, and focus on training high-quality cadres with loyalty and cleanly quality. They should concentrate on all aspects of patriotic talents, stick to integrity and integrity, take morality as the first place and appoint others as the best of virtuous. To uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics provides a strong organizational guarantee.
The party's organizational line in the new era is both theoretical and practical. The scientific answers to the questions concerning the direction, principle and strategy of the party's organizational construction enrich and develop the Marxist theory of Party construction, which is of great significance to better adhere to the party's leadership, strengthen the party's construction and do a good job in the party's organizational work.