Party Building
Some inspirations from the history of the party's Construction
Publisher:Far east optoelectronics Co., Ltd.Time:2021-4-25 9:28:26Click:695
In the words of the column: a hundred years ago, the Chinese revolutionary red ship sailed from Jiaxing South Lake. For 100 years, the Communist Party of China has been struggling with difficulties and leads the Chinese people to win one after another in various historical periods of revolution, construction and reform. Now, standing at the historical intersection of the goals of "two hundred years", the Communist Party of China is leading the Chinese nation on a new journey of struggle. In order to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party, this newspaper has now opened a column on the power of truth, which will carry forward the great spirit of the Communist Party of China and march forward towards the overall construction of socialist modernization.
Some inspirations from the history of the party's Construction
Since the eighteen Party's Congress, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with Comrade Xi Jinping as its core, has comprehensively worked for ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, discipline construction and system construction, aiming at the current situation of managing the party to consolidate the party and giving full play to its soft and soft status. Under the leadership of the party's political construction, a new layout of the party's construction has been formed.
The experience of Party construction is the summary of practice and the sublimation of cognition. It deeply reveals the law of the construction of Marxist party itself, reflects the phased characteristics and practical style of the party construction, and is the strong guarantee for the achievement of the party's goal and historical mission. The experience of Party construction is not only to summarize the history of the party construction, but also to show the future of the party construction, which is of great significance to strengthen the construction of the party and promote the development of the party's cause.
We will always adhere to and improve the leadership of the party and build the party into a strong core of leadership. The leadership of the party is the political principle of contemporary China, the fundamental and lifeblood of the party, and the interest and happiness of the people. The development and progress of the party's various undertakings depend on the leadership of the party. The great project of the party's construction is to promote it on the premise of adhering to the party's leadership. But the core position of the party's leadership is not formed by virtue of the empty space, and it needs to be strengthened effectively.
The construction of the party is a systematic project. Only under the comprehensive leadership of the party's unity can the party construction be better and comprehensively promoted, and the comprehensive construction results can be achieved; Only under the long-term leadership of the party can the party construction be carried out continuously. The party's cause is to which historical stage, the party construction must follow up to which historical stage, therefore, the party construction is a long-term cause, and in the whole process of the cause development, we must adhere to the party's leadership.
We should always build great projects around great undertakings and correctly grasp the direction of the party's construction. The great project of the party construction is closely connected with the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics led by the party. In different historical periods, the party is faced with different goals and central tasks. The fundamental purpose of the party's construction is to provide strong organization and political guarantee for the development of the party's cause. Therefore, the party construction must be carried out according to the party's political line, carried out around the party's central task and strengthened towards the general goal of the party's construction.
The party's construction direction cannot be offset, the goal cannot be blurred, and the center cannot be separated. Since the reform and opening up, the party has concentrated on Party building and made all efforts to develop. The party construction has been advancing in the right direction. The construction of the party is always the political guarantee of the development of the party's cause, and the development of the party's cause also promotes and promotes the construction of the party. There is a positive interaction between the party construction and the development of the party's cause. We should closely link the historical changes of the party, the new reality of socialism with Chinese characteristics entering the new era, closely connect with the major changes of the main contradictions in Chinese society, and transform the party construction into a powerful force to comprehensively promote the socialist modernization.
We should always adhere to the party's management of the party, comprehensively and strictly govern the party, and constantly improve the level of Party governance. It is the remarkable characteristic and internal requirement of Marxist party to pay attention to the construction of the party, and it is also a fine tradition of the party. For hundreds of years, the fundamental reason why the CPC has been able to grow from small to large and from weak to strong is that the party has always attached importance to and strengthened its own construction in different historical development periods. Therefore, the party should manage the party and strictly govern the party in an all-round way, which is the consistent requirement and fundamental policy of the party's construction.
In order to manage the party's foundation in an all-round way, it must be carried out in an all-round way. Any part of the problem will affect the overall "project quality" of the party construction; The key to governing the party lies in strict requirements, strict management, strict education and strict supervision, courage to self revolution, and from strict control of the party, the party can achieve its own excellence; The key to governing the party is to govern the party. From the Central Committee to the grass-roots organizations, we must fulfill their respective main responsibilities, and we must take effective methods to improve the scientific level of governing the party and constantly enhance the effectiveness of managing the party.
We should always adhere to the guidance of scientific theory and realize the party's guiding ideology to keep pace with the times. The guiding ideology of the party is the cornerstone of the party's policy of making the line and policy. Ideological construction is the foundation of the strong Marxist party, and it is the fundamental problem of the survival and development of the party. It is a principle of the party construction to adhere to the ideological construction, and also the historical experience of the party construction. We should keep ideological construction as the top priority, and provide ideological guarantee and theoretical support for the construction of the party and the great cause.
Innovation is the theoretical quality of Marxist political parties. It is the summary of the party's construction experience to insist on the guiding ideology to keep pace with the times and guide the new practice with the developing Marxism. A political party needs to adapt to the development of the times and social changes and actively innovate the theory of thought. One of the reasons why the Communist Party of China has vitality is that the guiding ideology of the party keeps pace with the times and promotes the Sinicization of Marxism. With the times, the party is required to advance with the times in ideology and theory, and always stand in the forefront of the times. Ideological and theoretical innovation is an eternal topic. To keep the vitality of the party, we must always adhere to the innovation of ideological theory, enrich and develop the guiding ideology of the party in accordance with the new practical requirements, and continue to promote the Sinicization of Marxism, so that the party's ideological theory reflects the requirements of the times, answers the issues of the times and reflects the value of the times.
We should always establish the party for the public, be loyal to the people, and maintain the blood and flesh ties between the party and the people. The party construction is not the purpose in itself, but the purpose is to realize the maintenance and development of the people's interests. In essence, the starting point, the foothold and the eye point of the party construction are the people. It is because of the support and support of the people that the strengthening of the party construction can have a more solid social foundation, the ideological and spiritual strength of the party's construction will be enhanced, and the construction methods and wisdom of the party will emerge constantly.
The party should establish the sense of purpose in its own construction; The party adheres to the people first in the ruling concept; The Party pursues in power in order to benefit the people; The party is firmly dependent on the people in the power of the ruling party; The party always asks the people about the way it is in power. The fundamental strength of the party construction comes from the people. The fundamental purpose of the party construction is for the people and with the support and help of the people, the party construction has the power source, and the "base gas" of the construction can grasp the correct construction direction, so as to truly reflect the value and significance of the party construction.
We will always adhere to and implement democratic centralism and improve all systems of the party. Democratic centralism is the party's organizational principle and leadership system, which fundamentally guarantees the scientific decision-making and effective implementation of the party, is an important magic weapon for the development and growth of our party and the success of its cause, and also its unique advantages and remarkable characteristics. Democratic centralism guides and standardizes the construction of the specific system in the party. One of the important tasks of the party construction is to apply the principle of democratic centralism to all fields of the party's activities, so as to make it concrete and institutionalized.
In the system project of the party construction, the party system construction is unified in the whole construction of the party. The construction of the party system is an important part of the party construction system, which is complementary to other construction. We should insist on the system construction of the party throughout all aspects of the party construction, and provide important basis and fundamental guarantee for other construction. In addition, the core position of the party's leadership determines that the system construction of the party must be coordinated with the laws and regulations; The construction of the party system is the process of making system, implementing system and constantly testing and perfecting the system in practice. We must pay attention to the formulation and implementation of the party system.
We should always adhere to the principle of building the party with quality and pay attention to giving full play to the party's organizational role. It is a significant feature of Marxist party to insist on the high quality of Party building, and it is one of the important conditions for the party members to play their role. The strength and function of the party mainly lies not in the number of Party members, but in the quality of Party members, which determines the nature, strength and function of the party.
The party organization is a unified whole, and every level is indispensable. The basic level organization of the party is the foundation of the "building", and it is very important to consolidate the party's organizational basis. The correct decision-making of the party should be implemented through the basic organizations of the party. The development of the party's social cause depends on the party's grass-roots organizations, the party's social influence depends on the party's grass-roots organizations, the party's social image depends on the party's grass-roots organizations, and the party's social strength depends on the party's basic organization. We should adhere to the principle of party management of cadres, attach importance to and strengthen the construction of cadres, train high-quality cadres, and provide strong leadership and management backbone for the development of the party's cause.
We have always insisted on the organic unity of inheritance and innovation, and constantly strengthened the vitality of the party. The excellent tradition of Party construction contains rich experience of Party construction, which is the summary, sublimation and experience crystallization of the long-term construction practice of the party, and also a conclusion of deep reflection on failure and lessons. The fine tradition of Party construction is the treasure of the party construction resources, the source of the party's construction power, contains great spiritual energy, is the party's advantage and the party's strong soft power. Practice shows that how the party's excellent tradition of construction inherits is related to the strength and weakness of the party's political life and the embodiment of the party's essential attributes.
We must adhere to the combination of inheritance and innovation. The party is in different times, the objects and conditions it faces are different, the objectives and tasks to be achieved are different, the social environment is different, and the party itself has undergone profound changes. Therefore, we need to insist on the need to examine ourselves with the development requirements of the times, improve and improve ourselves with the spirit of reform and innovation, constantly promote the party's construction practice innovation, theoretical innovation, system innovation and method innovation, and enhance the party's innovation vitality.